Email Marketing

General Best Practices

  1. E-mail Marketing 101 - Search Engine Watch (SEW)
  1. Gooruze - Email marketing tips - A case study in what not to do
  1. Vdot Media - 9 best practices for email design
  2. 20 Email Design Best Practices and Resources for Beginners | Nettuts+
  3. 7 Best Practices for Delivering the Best E-mail Experience : eMarketing & Commerce (eM+C)
  1. Best practice for building and designing email newsletters: ICT Hub Knowledgebase
  1. Four in Ten Email Marketers Don't Test : MarketingProfs
  2. Making Your Email Social-able
  3. How to Code HTML Email Newsletters
  4. Some quick suggestions for Subject lines
  5. Sample subject lines to motivate action +


  1. Email Newsletters: New Results From Eyetracking and User Research (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
  2. Microcontent: Headlines and Subject Lines (Alertbox)
  3. Blah-Blah Text: Keep, Cut, or Kill? (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
  4. Transactional Email and Confirmation Messages (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
  5. Incompetent Email Marketing = Lost Future Opportunities (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
  6. Newsletter Usability: Can a Professional Publisher Do Better? (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
  7. Bush vs. Kerry: Email Newsletters Rated (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)


  1. The Leading Authority on Email Marketing Metrics


  1. Headline Tester: check the “emotional value” of your headline
  2. CSS Converter: Converts CSS styles into in-line formatting
  3. HTML Tutorial
  4. Newsletter Templates: Samples of Newsletters that you can use


  1. A CAN-SPAM Checklist
  2. SpamAssassin: Tests Performed
  3. Email Subject Line Tester: Checks your subject line to see how spammy it is.
  4. Email Service Provider Coalition
  5. Spam Laws: Information on International spam laws, identity theft, phishing and more

Delivery Tools

  1. Comcast Delivery Error codes: to analyze what caused your email to bounce
  2. AOL Delivery Error codes


  1. MailChimp quick overview of A/B testing.
  2. Findresolution’s step by step A/B process
  3. Some interesting results: News specificity, optimizing for a smaller monitor, personalization
  4. A good set of links, worth checking out

Email Service Providers

  1. Top 10 Email Marketing Solution Reviews
  2. Email Marketing Services Review 2010 - TopTenREVIEWS
  1. MarketingSherpa: Behind-the-Scenes in the Booming Email Service Provider Industry: Why Are Some Clients Complaining?


  1. The Five Best Ways to Optimize Email Response - Part 1 (Live from MarketingSherpa's Email Summit) Highly Recommended
  2. The Five Best Ways to Optimize Email Response: part 1 and part 2 Watch this!


  1. Tangence Inc.